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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Guidelines and Protective Measures at Trisystems

Trisystems has implemented a number of guidelines over the course of these past few months in order to minimize the risk of Covid-19 pandemic. As a responsible employer, we have followed and abide with all the rules and guidance imposed by the government:-

  • Gradually enabled our office to operate as usual and provide full support to stakeholders;
  • Provides daily information on Covid-19 cases to all employees;
  • Regular SOP update based on current situations;
  • Allowed our employees to continue working from home where possible;
  • Reorganized seating arrangements between employees to ensure safe physical distance;
  • Leveraging on information and communications technology for collaboration and communication i.e. chat applications, teleconference, video calls and etc.
  • Required stringent checks on our visitors* upon registrations (face mask, temperature checks, declarations form, and checking in with MySejahtera, SeLangkah)

*During the Conditional Movement Control Order, no visitors are allowed to enter the office. Any deliveries during this period are to be conducted without any contact

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" Honesty . Committed . Mutual Trust & Respect"

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